“There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; There is nothing you can think that is not the moon.”
-Matsuo Basho
~ p a s t l i v e s ~
d r e a m life o p e n ing
(w r i t e about this when you w a k e u p )
(((going inand comingout again)))
"If you get the moon in a reading, there is nothing to do but yield to the feelings. If you try to figure out things intellectually, you will fail."~mp
with the pegasus (child of medusa) touchdown yoursweet brim to my lips drenched from your horse s w e l l t e r i n g
you are a willow goddess as witness to our pleasure trips
can't deny the blue sky
b l i s s ed
"The Three of Cups has intent - they're never figures thrown together at random, or in conflict, as in many other cards; they have decided to dance together as one, and raise their chalices together. The figures are usually all female, and the card often hints at the purpose of the gathering, but neither of these things are fixed in stone; they flow in water, and may take any route to reach the sea.
This card is a reminder that it is party time if someone says it is party time. That's all it takes."
kite perch ascent
masted ship
swift choice descent
billows propel
oceanic voyage
horus and isis
lads, hers
ladder up
diving in air
(abstract executed)
genius' with war and flair
never deserted
"The Shaman of Swords creates her own reality and takes responsibility for her thought forms and the power of the mind" ~mp
"Do you know how...wanting lets your eyes pierce space? How a resolve to act can traverse this atmosphere as quick as light?...despite the threat of fire and our fear of the flames, we burst out through the roofs of our houses. Desire is a force inside us. Our mouths drop open in the rushing air. Our bodies float among stars. And we laugh in ecstasy to know the air has wishes..."Yes," we call out, full of ourselves and delight, "Yes," we sing, "We fly through the night."
~Susan Griffin
"...a strong blend of fiery ("female") emotions and powerful ("male") thought. Let what you feel be said; don't hold back what you know to be true. Through the emergence of your insights, fired by passion of your heart, you have the power to transform reality. The force of your ideas demands that you speak out."
"First learning then working, to the exclusion of friendship. One minded and narrow, to a depth never seen. A gulf holds me far from the mind of all others. Confused where I fit in; somewhere in between." ~ Introspection, Adrian Flynn
handsheld inside the lines well bound covered eyes sees inside white sheets worn for protection (for inflection)
I am allied to__________.
held up long on the mountain horizons over horizons
I can picture the snow where you are as a soft cold canvas for stark shadows to lay upon
"She is a writer, definitely a thinker......the Owl can be seen as her thoughts taking flight. On a higher level, the Owl represents the secret of shamanic flight and the potential for the soul to leave the body and take the form of an animal to travel to other realms. The nocturnal Owl suggests the wisdom of the dream world and the collective unconscious. Being the bird of Athene and also of Medusa, the Owl symbolizes healing power as well as the ability to fight for one's life when necessary."-vicki noble
"Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters: united with her, she is the mother of the arts and the source of their wonders." "La fantasia abandonada de la razon, produce monstruos impossibles: unida con ella, es madre de las artes y origen de sus marabillas."
flapping bird s e e m s like all the rest s e a m i n g
all cups over floweth to the sea
w h e r e a r e h e r f e e t ?
the firmest grasp mustly loosen or else slack tide brings n o s h e l l s
the revealing is l o n g epic adoration in swoon s o n g timely mesmerized
along along don't wait too long
((( g o n g )))
"She haunts my dreams. I must have Her. And if I cannot, I will dream another. I’ll dream of whom I choose, a hundred other goddesses if I wish."-tarot of the crone
"The five of discs is a picture of tension held in the body, the kind of tightness that comes with worry. Probably the mind is focused on survival issues of some kind-money, housing, jobs, where the next meal is coming from. Change is taking place but on the inside, not yet manifest. Inertia threatens. It helps to keep the energy moving-maybe do something physical to keep from sinking into a dark state of consciousness (or unconsciousness). In the Motherpeace image, the woman works with her hands-kneading and rolling, pushing, touching-all these motions help keep her energy from getting stuck. Worry never does any good anyway. Better to mobilize energy toward positive goals-use the hands to bake bread, make tortillas, sculpt something from clay, plant a garden, or give a massage. While the hands are busy, perhaps the mind can use the Discs in the background as centering devices for focusing calm, magical intentions toward the future." ~mp
she is surrounded by precious things her own space, sorting out stuff alone by choice
safely shutting out the outside blather, banter, distractions the incessant voices can be qualmed to sort out which are which and what is what watching listening without sharing
assimilation is giving away surplus as your own discretion
"I draw the Motherpeace Sun Card, I believe this means that at this moment I am fully connected to the Energetic Divine, that right now my thoughts are bright and clear, lucid, iridescent, and unmistaken. Of course there are people in a spiraling dance in the intense gold heat of the sun, of course there is a giraffe, A zebra lying down, A butterfly with yellow stripes And red wing tips is taking flight, heading northeast. She has only just now Emerged from her coccoon
Shrinking now word by word I am falling into the sun card, into the dance with the others spinning around and through until each one’s hand is taken and released and taken again by every other’s hand spinning around and around I see, this is the dance to celebrate my rebirth, because every woman has the right to rebirth and circle dancing in the flooding sun. and when the people of the sun card are done with me they let me go but not before the giraffe gives me her blue balloon, I fly it all the way back home.
These are the days for complete and utter freedom From performance anxiety, These are the times for a self confidence That will stone me, groove me and give me wings.