-leonora carrington (the house opposite)

Two of Wands

"Designing and implementing a strategy for change is a waste of time until you have discovered and embraced the current reality."

~Andy Stanley 1958-

...signifies the harnessing of one's personal power...
...the receiving part of the personality is open to learning...
...the active part of the personality is demonstrative...
...the dream vision is intuition awakening, a form of fire that precedes verbal communication...
...the personality may have flashes of insight or understanding of what it is capable of doing....


...Mind can accept any boundary anywhere. But the reality is that, by its very nature, existence cannot have any boundary, because what will be beyond the boundary? --again another sky.
Don't be content easily. Those who remain content easily remain small...this smallness is your own imposition upon your freedom...

Ace of Wands

-Matheus Lopes

pure grounded centered energy

~the source~

"Most of us can easily do two things at once; what's all but impossible is to do one thing at once." ~Mignon McLaughlin 1913-1983

...a rebirth of the spirit is taking place: one is brand new like a baby, and the force of fire streams through the personality. This energy is expansive. It opens us to our abilities...will-power for whatever one's goals dictate...


A thing
cannot be
enough times:
this is the
rule of dogs
for whom there
are no fool’s
errands. To
loop out and
come back is
good all alone.
It’s gravy to
carry a ball
or a bone

-Kay Ryan, “Fool’s Errands”

"In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again."

-down the rabbit hole

"A Fool’s journey begins at Zero and concludes at Zero- a complete circle."


"...the fool is that archetype that turns things on their head, makes us laugh, and for a moment, forget our fear." -colette obrian

"It is freeing to become aware that we do not have to be victims of our past and can learn new ways of responding. But there is a step beyond this recognition. It is the step of forgiveness.
It sets us free.

~ Carolyn Osiek

The Crone Speaks:

To know me, first know this ~
In the beginning, as in the End there is Nothing
There is Nothing
Behind your ordinary world
Behind all manifestation
Lies the Void

I am the emptiness surrounding the universe
I am the uncertainty of the electron
I am the nothingness hiding in your soul

In the Void you have no name
Words do not exist
You have no memory, no past or future
Time does not exist
You find no landmarks, you have no body
Matter does not exist

But You
You may still exist

A mere spark of awareness

But that is enough
That is where you begin

Three of Wands

The fire of the torches allows them the light to make art....
Through manifesting their visions, they learn about life.

Following your bliss means continuously growing, and expanding and purposefully finding ways of expressing joy, and appreciation. When you get the Three of Wands you need to do the thing that is effortless, that makes you feel good. Find your bliss, and follow it.

3 of Swords

-julia wolfson embroidery

heart b:eat

In a dance of power, difficulty precedes harmony. -motherpeace

He has cured his tooth ache at the cost of his tongue!

"Akk, if I could only turn back the clock a few seconds..."

But no matter how hard you wish,
once a thing is done or said
there is no going back for do-overs.

It's a done deal.

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great."
~ Golda Meir 1898-1978

from Quirkeries

I ask, if i shall never see you again and fix my eyes on that solidity,
what form will our communication take?
-Virginia Woolf

I can hold pain, without it controlling me.

I take comfort where I find it.

I leave behind old habits, taking with me only what I need.